  • 产品名称:ChanneltypeUVsterilizerforwastewaterdisinfection

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Channel type UV sterilizer for waste water disinfection

Product Name: Channel UV Water Sterilizer


Disinfection system factors that affect the disinfection efficiency and performance of the sewer UV treatment system

 1. Hydrodynamic design of the sterilizer (Maximize the use of UV performance to increase the disinfector efficiency and reduce the water pressure loss

2. Lamp tube performance (including the system aging)

3. Arrangement of lamp tubes

4. Scale coefficient of lamp tubes

5. Performance of ballast



Water quality factors that affect the disinfection efficiency and performance of the sewer UV treatment system

 1. Industrial waste water components of the incoming wale

2. The upstream treatment process and the chemical agents used

3. The UV light transmittance of the incoming flow

4. Content of the suspended matters

5. Particle size distribution


Automatic cleaning device

1. Mechanical self—cleaning device driven by compressed air;

2. The cleaning device and the uv light intensity detector are in linked operation;

3. Having (the optional) manual or automatic working statuses;

4. The low—abrasion and locking—free advantages have laid solid foundation for the UV system to realize the high—efficiency sterilization.


Advanced control system

1. The automatic control center has the remote—control and site—control functions, equipped with the world—class parts and components of superior quality and reliable operating performance.

2. The site control is conducted by the man—machine interface, which consists of the operation recording, fault alarming and maintenance warning functions,easy and simple to operate.

3. The UV intensity output and signal PLC link—control can be monitored online so as to guarantee the UV dosage which can achieve the designed disinfection effect.


The cleaning ring of the quartz socket tube Long—term contacting between the quartz socket tubes with the wastewater will surely generate scales, which must be cleaned effectively. The cleaning ring of this product is simple in structure and resistant to aging. The flexible cleaning parts of the cleaning ring can positively adapt to the quartz tubes. Even when the tubes are installed in 

deviations, the cleaning ring can ensure very good cleaning effect, namely, without abrading or damaging the quartz tubes.

Detailed production photo

Installation photo


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