  • 产品名称:YLC-5magneticwatersofteningequipment

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YLC-5 magnetic water softening equipment

Product Name: Magnetic Water Softener

Tired of hard water problems?

Our magnetic water treatment systems are specifically designed to soften water by removing scale buildup in your pipes and hot water tank. You can prevent future buildup or even remove current buildup that has accumulated over the years. Purified water is healthy for humans, animals, and plants.


No chemicals or waste byproducts

No electricity required

No maintenance or servicing required

No water volume limits

Never needs replacing – never wears out

Different sizes to suit different pipe sizes

What does a magnetic water conditioner (water magnet) do?

With the water acting “softer”, conditioners, soaps, detergents and cleaning chemicals all perform 

more efficiently, as a result less of each is required. Calcium, magnesium and bicarbonates no 

longer build up in pipes and fittings. Cement-like limescale no longer forms on glass and screens. 

Plant leaf-burn from saline waters is reduced, and the effects of salinity in soil on plant growth 

(water-stress, stunted growth, leaf-burn and salt build-up) are reduced considerably and often 

prevented altogether, depending on the level of salinity and on the choice of plants. We have five 

different strength classes, so can therefore deal with some very bad water qualities!

Prevent calcium deposits and limescale

Water is the greatest solvent known. Wherever it goes it dissolves small particles of everything it 

contacts. Two of the most common minerals dissolved are calcium and magnesium. These 

dissolved minerals cause the water to be “hard”, and go on to redeposit on pipes, hot water 

systems, household appliances and any other surface the water may come in contact with, building 

up a limescale.


 Agriculture Irrigation

 Scale and Hardness Control

 Golf Course & Turf Irrigation

 Well Drilling and Pump & Well Maintenance

 Natural Gas Combustion 

 Wastewater, and More!


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