  • 产品名称:Salt-freeMangeticwatersoftenersystemsforscaleprevention

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Salt-free Mangetic water softener systems for scale prevention

Product Name: Salt-free magnetic w


Neodymium magnets

The neodymium magnets used in our water treatment systems are the strongest permanent magnets available. We use two blocks that measure 2 inch by 1 inch by 0.5 inch to help purify your water. The individual pulling force of each magnet is approximately 70 pounds! What this means is that particles passing through the field have a much greater chance of avoiding pipe walls compared to systems using ceramic magnets. 

Comparative chart





No Salt required – Time & Cost saving

Salt to be added often


Is attached as a part of the pipeline

Requires extra plumbing & Space


Works without operator

Need operator every time


Good for human consumption

Presence of Sodium sited, so not good for consumption


Zero maintenance units

Regular maintenance & Services required.


Magnets have a life of about 20-25 years.

Resin needs replacement years after 3 years


Continuous flow without choking

Frequently choking


Useful for generators in scale removal

Does not remove existing scale


Generate zero pollution

Water pollution is caused due to out flow of the salt.


Removes existing scales (Calcium & Magnesium).

Does not remove existing Scales


Output of product remain constant

Out put varies due to operational factors


Also helps in removing parts of Sulphur

Does not remove sulphur & Iron and Iron

Magnetic Water Softener ADVANTAGE

Magnetic treatment to your water supply can:

Reduce water usage by minimum 10% and up to 30%

Reduce fertilizer usage

Reduce pesticide and herbicide usage

Increase yields by at least 10%

Improve taste of produce

Increase shelf life of produce

Improve soil pH and remove/dissolve impurities from soils year after year

Increase nutrient content in produce

Increase seed germination percentage and speed of seedling emergence

Increase fine root growth

Drastically reduce heat stress

Increase water flow

Saving energy and resource

Prevent and remove scaling from irrigation pipes

Makes traditionally unusable saline water usable and increases water productivity

Soil desalinization takes effect in the first year 1/1.5 meters

Increase productivity and reduce disease in live stock and general animal breeding

Increase weight and reduce disease in aquaculture industry

Magnetic Water Softener EFFECT ON SCALING

Our magnetic water treatment device is the right solution for hard water & scaling problems and

it provides chlorine free taste and odor. This Magnetic Water Filter ideally caters to domestic drinking water filtration needs, without the use of salts or chemicals. Along with effective filtration, Magnetic water descaler is the best hard water scale prevention system. The system filters down chlorine tastes, odors, hard water, sediment, rust etc. to 1 micron and prevents hard water scale buildup. Unlike other sodium based water softeners, our equipment uses no salts or electricity to treat hard water scale, thus eliminating the need for drain lines and waste water. The system is chemical free and does not add unwanted sodium (salt) or chemicals to the water for purification. We provides whole house filtered drinking water at every tap removing unwanted chlorine tastes, odors, and more.

It Works By

magnetic technologies that alter the structure of water molecules. Regular water molecules cluster without 

magnetization. Toxins and waste products build up causing molecule clusters to be much larger in size, increasing 

surface tension, increasing viscosity and limiting dissolvability and permeability of water. This results in poor water 

productivity as only a small percentage of water and nutrients applied are dissolved and made available for plants to 

take up at fine root zones. Magnetic treatment breaks up the molecules to smaller clusters allowing them to pass through 

plant capillaries more readily. 

After magnetization, the molecules line up in sequence “+-+-“ resulting in reduced surface tension, reduced viscosity, 

increased dissolvability, increased permeability and increased oxygen content hence making nutrients more readily 

available to our body, plants and soils. Water is then said to be biologically “alive”.


Multiplicity of applications include: Agriculture, municipal, residential, aquaculture, environment (such as natural bodies 

of water including rivers & lakes), water treatment and purification, animal breeding, thermal energetics, petroleum and gas 

industry, chemical industry and food biotechnology

Magnation's Agricultural Solutions for Sprayers, Irrigation Systems, Seed Germination and Wells


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