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Multi Grade Sand filter suspended solids &turbidity removal from Water & Wastewater

Pressure rati


Multi Grade Sand Filter

The Multigrade Sand Filter is a depth filter that makes use of coarse and fine media mixed together 

in a fixed proportion. This arrangement produces a filter bed with adequate pore dimensions for 

retaining both large and small suspended particles. Multigrade sand filter is highly recommended 

for the removal of suspended solids & un-dissolved impurities like dust particles & heavy metals etc.

doing so it reduces turbidity. Pressure Sand Filter is an ideal solution for the systems with high 

sediment, silt, sand, and turbidity. Our Sand filters are well established in media filtration technology. 

The sand filters are specially designed to take care of the range of suspended impurities. Chemtronics 

filtration series multigrade sand filter include vessel complete with piping & valves sand media and gravel 

support bed.

The filter will effectively remove up to 30 – 50 micron of the suspended solids to less then 5 ppm. 

The filter will have to be washed with raw water for 20 to 30 minutes daily. To filter the partials 

below 30 – 50 micron cartridge filter is used.

Features : 

Simple design maximizes reliability and efficiency

Multi layers of filtration media

Filtration rating up to 5 – 20 Microns 

Standard and effective quartz sand media.

Low Pressure drop across the vessel

FRP, MSRL, MSEP & SS Vessels are available.

Manual, Semi-Automatic and Automatic features are provided

Pre-assembled construction minimizes start-up time and installation costs

Structural steel legs provide rigid support of vessel for safety

Air scouring available for high flow pressure vessel.

Proven design of internal distribution and collection system.


Efficient Turbidity and TSS Removal

High filtration rate

Filtration efficiency is up to 2.0 ppm suspended particles

Easy operation & maintenance

Wide range in material of construction

Economical way of production & design

Low Energy requirement

Can accommodate seasonal fluctuations in flow rate

Long filter cycles between backwashing with minimum loss of pressure. 

Working Principle:

Raw water is passed through the Multi grade media filter,contains anthracite at a top layer of media followed by fine & Coarse Garnet and quartz sand supported by pebbles and gravels. Multi grades of media and layers provide extra ordinary dirt holding capacity at various level of total media depth and produce unparalleled filter water quality.

During the filtration cycle the largest particles are strained out by the anthracite, coarse and fine sand, Coarse & fine garnet though a combination of adhesion and straining.  Since the particles in the water are filtered out at various depths in a multimedia filter, the filter does not clog as quickly as if all of the particles were all caught by the top layer.  


As the filtration progress the filter media gets loaded with the retain the suspended particles, this results in 

a continuous increase of pressure drop across the filter, when a predetermined pressure drop level is 

achieved the filter is shut down for cleaning. The filter media is cleaned by backwash system. After backwashing 

the filter is rinsed with raw water and after the required quality of water is achieved the filter is put back into service. 

Depending on the filtered water quality required backwashing is either done with raw water or with filtered water.

Applications: -

The Multigrade sand filter is an ideal choice for all applications where a conventional sand filter is used.

 It is extensively used in side stream filtration of cooling water.

 Drinking Water.

 It is ideal for filtration of clarified water.

 Water used in chemical processes.

 Filtration process in Industries.

 Used for pre – treatment for membrane systems.

 Swimming Pool Water Filtration.

 Filtration in Tertiary waste water treatment.

 Pharmaceutical Production processes.


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